7202 BV Zutphen
Backstage IT

Boost IT.
Make it abroad.
Set up and run from Chisinau in Moldova, they maintain all the backstage elements from developer recruitment to the culture.
the story of
backstage it
Boost IT.
Make it abroad.
Backstage isn’t a drama company. Far from it. In fact, they offer software companies extra development capacity on a long term basis. Set up and run from Chisinau in Moldova, they maintain all the backstage elements from developer recruitment to the culture. They also ensure a perfect fit between the client and their team – it’s then over to the client to manage them and the project themselves. Backstage developers become fully-fledged members of their team. Cool, right?

Backstage IT as
Part of our tribe
“As an entrepreneur you work mostly on your own, so it’s great to talk with Ivo and Sander on a regular basis. They really help to focus your mind, to get to the next strategy level, growth level and experiences from across the A-Players tribe. But there’s no oversight, no control. Advice is given, but not expected. They challenge you and drive you to make the best of yourself and your business.”
Emmo Elshof – Backstage CEO